Learning to do Henna Designs

A lot of friends, family, and prospective clients ask me how I learned to do henna designs. Quite frankly, henna artists continue to learn even after most people believe they've perfected their craft. There are a few suggestions I could give to anyone who wishes to pursue the craft of doing henna.

Utilize Friends & Family
I started by mimicking designs I'd see online, and I'd do them on anyone who'd allow me to. This included my little sister and close friends. We'd do it for fun whenever we had the chance to. These were people who wouldn't judge me for designs that weren't up to par and I was able learn how to keep a steady hand because I wasn't nervous with them.

Practice Basic Designs
There are many basic elements of designs that go into almost every henna design. Those are the ones you'll want to get down pact since you'll be using them the most often. This includes dots, flowers, vines, and chains. There are many videos that can be found online that can help you to learn how to
do these specific design elements. It's important to start with the basics, so once you've achieved this, you have a solid foundation.

No Money for Henna to Practice?
One concern you may have is wasting money on henna or wasting product on practice, especially at the early stages of learning. Some henna artists have suggested using Jergens in a henna cone to achieve the same consistency of henna paste. This is something that can be bought for cheap and in high quantity. That means that you'll have more than enough product to practice with and you can wipe it away once you've finished practicing.


  1. You sound like a SMEs (subject matter expert) which makes me believe everything that you had to say. Are there any links that you can provide to buy henna paste? Are there some that are better than others?

    1. My favorite, most cost effective company to purchase from is ashkumar.com! They provide quality henna paste at an affordable price, and fast delivery. You should check them out. There are others who sell their own paste but not with the same conviniences as aforementioned.

  2. Very interesting topic. This blog is very informative and I appreciate the fact that this hobby is a way of self expression. Learning henna could be beneficial in several different ways.I feel that having a craft such as this one, allows you to stand out in more ways then one! Great Read!

  3. So awesome!! I personally loooove henna, but never once considered doing it myself. Your tips are very helpful and encouraging. Thanks for sharing!

  4. I love henna! Thanks for the tips! I look forward to my next hand tatt haha.


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